Thursday, August 19, 2010

Never say never

Mere moments after responding to another blogger, envying them their black swallowtail, I discover one in my own yard!  I had headed out to go to Sisters to see a monarch going into it's chrysalis. But once more I got distracted.  First by the site of the black swallowtail, and getting a photo of it! it was a female, bonus!  Then it was the two monarchs fluttering around.  So there i go chasing around the yard looking for that 'perfect' shot. And while I have plentiful tigers floating about, I still keep taking photos of them.  You never know when you might get that special shot, right?  And it's interesting to see their condition as the summer grows later. And one more check of the caterpillars on the swamp butterfly weed before I finally leave to go to Sisters.

First by black swallowtail:
Here's a tiger swallowtail looking pail and ragged.

It looked like the tiger and the monarch were playing follow the leader.  One would bask on the leaf of the tree, then the other would.  Then the tiger lay on a lead from my moon vine, then the monarch would lay on one.
Doesn't it look like she's surveying her land?
I can't help it, one more photo of her. She's a beaut!
another shot of a downy woodpecker. This time a female

I finally tear myself away from my own yard and head up to my sisters.  Of course I missed the changing to chrysalis by mere moments.

Here it is, the shed skin still at the top of the chrysalis, and the chrysalis itself still looking wet.
Sister has improvised a butterfly sanctuary for several butterfly eggs, cats, and chrysalis, after several have been killed by wretched stink bugs.
Here's one from earlier. Looking like a pretty piece of jewelry.

all 3 Monarch chrysalis
One of Sisters smallest rescues.
Her black swallowtail chrysalis!
Then we got to see a black swallowtail visiting. it was hard choosing just one photo!

this next photo, shows her laying an egg on the fennel!
It's never easy leaving there.  I always end up repeatedly saying, "I'm leaving now, for real!"  Only to find something else distracting!  I think this might be a Spring Azure.
I finally headed home and out of curiosity checked my dill, and discovered the black swallowtail left me a gift! one lovely green egg.  BONUS!!

checking on my monarch cats, I found one that was just finishing up molting. You can see the shed skin, and the cat isn't quite dry yet...or have it's face on. (Sister and I know of no better way to describe it!) The legs aren't quite dry or on either!

Isn't it awesome and amazing!

Not a bad outdoor day, despite the clouds!

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