Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's a hot one out there today!

This morning I found myself sweating profusely. I thought maybe it was just me...the age thing and all.  But on checking the weather I discovered they had a heat advisory out. Glad to know it wasn't just me.  The humidity has been brutal.  It's 90 in my house, despite having central air. But with no insulation and single pane windows....and a metal roof...well I always say it's like living in a tin can.  phew...high electric bills this summer!

For 3 days they have been saying we would ahve rain, so far nothing. Even some of my established plants were showing signs of stress. I've been avoiding using the hose and really holding out for mother nature to come to the rescue but this afternoon I gave up and did a lot of hand watering just to hold them over.  Not a lot of hard work, but I looked like I'd done hard labor.  But the plants perked right up, so I'm glad I made the effort in spite of the heat.

Apparently the grass and weeds  are turning to seed, plus harboring many bugs in the dry ground. I went outside and there were birds galore all over the ground, up on the bank, rooting around the stream bed bank and under/on the butterfly bush. Big woosh of little birds, taking off when I intruded on them.  Mostly sparrows and finches, mourning doves as well.  Easily 100 birds out here!  My bluejay family was out here too, but they were feeding on the cracked corn.

Here's a funny for you.  While I was along the stream, I saw what I thought was a dead critter.  Maybe a meadow vole (oh no!)  Certainly a sign that I really need to stop procrastinating and get an eye exam and updated glasses.  this is what I found on closer inspection.


check out this cricket. probably need to click on it to see it full sized.

 A female, since it has an ovipositor to lay eggs - the longer spiky thing (about 3/4 inch) coming from the abdomen between the two cerci (some sort of sensory organ - or copulation aid).

taken from inside the inspired me to wash a window LOL

Young blue jay

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