Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday - my sisters yard

Friday morning on my way home from work I stopped at sisters to check out her cats. Amazing how time flies when you are watching larva! Here are two already in the *J* formation to form their chrysalis.  One chrysalis already formed, and a smaller cat getting ready to shed his skin.

This is a cat of the black swallowtail butterfly. He was on the move, looking for a place for his chrysalis.

My buddy Snoopy.  He was feeling a little neglected as we kept watch over the caterpillars.  But don't fall for this act.  I'd fussed over him and already had given him treats I brought along just for him!

Here is the smaller monarch caterpillar shedding his skin.

Another big monarch catepillar. Friday my sister had one already in a chrysalis (she'd had another but gave it awayto a neighbor)
Today she had 6 Monarch chrysalis, and a few black swallowtail chrysalis!)

When we finally got away from the table and stood up, a butterfly came fluttering into the yard and landed on my shirt.  Visited for a few moments and went on her way, without hanging around in the yard, so I couldn't get a photo. It was the first time, outside the butterfly house, that I'd seen a question mark butterfly (or comma - we couldn't see the markings). But sweet of her to chose me to land on!

Then we had another breautiful surprise as an American Lady paid her yard a visit.  My sister pointed out the eyespots explaining that was how to tell it was an American Lady and not a Painted Lady. (two versus four)

Most of the morning was over till I left!  not a productive day for me.

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