Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's a Chip & Dude kind of day

I almost feel guilty being so freely entertained. 
First let me tell you that Chip seems ok with the lean-to protecting his burrow. He was able to get in and out. 

When I'm not being entertained by Little Dude, I'm waiting for the next wave of heavy rain due in another hour.  Seems the worst of it is slightly to the east in Lancaster County.  I'm thankful for that, though I of course don't wish it on anyone else. 
Weather is interesting. No matter how sophisticated technology gets, we still are helpless against the weather, and predicting it.  Sure we've gotten better at it, but weather still wins much of the time. Add to it that so many people don't respect the weather and you end up with catastrophe's.  On today's noon news I was watching as they rescued a woman off her SUV that was in water over its wheels. A spectator was trying not to chuckle too much as she described the woman crawling out of her car, and screaming and waving her arms. On one hand, you want to laugh because...well she was an idiot for driving through high water and got what she deserved. On the other hand, it's scary. Water is powerful. Water can wash away vehicles (though where she was, it wouldn't have happened that way). And we don't want it to ever be us having that experience.  I idly wonder why some people think that the rules, or even common sense, don't apply to them.  It would be ok if they were the only consequences of their folly, but they generally manage to put others at risk.  Luckily she didn't have a young passenger.  But the fire dept did have to go out and rescue her from the roof of her car.

Yes I could go on and on with the topic. 

But I'd rather share this about Little Dude and other goings on in the yard!

Like, I just looked out the door for a few moments.  There are at least 3 dozen goldfinches at the feeders, Little Dude's sibling is across the yard, along with some mourning doves, eating some soggy corn.  The chipmunk was running around picking up dropped food from the feeders.  Chip suddenly went bounding across the yard, into the middle of the doves, causing them up to scatter. Then...are you ready for this....charges right into the groundhog, bounces right off it and dashes back across the yard.  The groundhog flinched and looked a little startled but went right back to eating.  I don't suppose a tiny little chipmunk hurling itself against you feels threatening even to a cautious groundhog.

I know we shouldn't apply human emotions to animals but  it looked like he was doing it for the sheer fun of being a prankster who could get away with it.  Unless of course it was some sort of test to see how safe he would be over there.  Seems rather risky doesn't it?  I guess it doesn't matter. It made me smile to witness it.

I spend way too much time watching the yard.  Anyone that reads my blog already has this information, right? :D I give it some thought now and then. Like, if I didn't yard watch so much, I'd get way more done. In the house, in the gardens. I'd maybe get the sleep I ...the yard calls to me.  

But I get to see some amazing stuff. The butterflies puddling and excreting the excess out their behind. A video classic, right?! :)  Baby turtles taking their first plunge.   Little chipmunks bouncing off much bigger groundhogs.  This can't even compare to housework. Or yardWORK for that matter.  If I keep my head down and spend hours pulling weeds, I won't see the hummingbird landing in the tree overhead. If I kept busy doing housework, I would have never known there was a coyote in my yard, or a northern flicker plucking ants out of the dry hard ground. 

ok enough have to see the latest of Little Dude.

Stay dry!

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