Saturday, September 4, 2010

cooler temps...brings a new visitor.

What a difference a day makes! The heatwave broke and temps plummeted 20 degrees!  Woohoo!  Now if only we could get some rain.  What we do have though is wind.  Blowing hard enough that the bees are having a rough time keeping on course. I saw one small honeybee get blown backwards time and again as he was trying to land on a flower.  There were times I was getting mini sand storms in the yard with all the deposited silt/sand from the flood! LOL

Had to make a trip to Dillers Feed & Tack store for some critter supplies. There's a pond beside the store and a blue heron was there stalking something, though I never saw him get anything.  I miss seeing them at my stream. 
There's also a few goats and sheep. Poor sheep were covered in burrs.
The first goat loves attention. It shows, doesn't it?

This guy has been hanging around my door the past few days. I've no idea what it's supposed to be.  I'm tired to looking up bugs, plants, moths to see if I can discover what they are!

I was inside the house when I saw this on my window. I went out and manage one photo, hoping to get a look at it with wings open. At first I thought it was a moth, but honestly, I'm haven't a clue.  From the photo it looks more butterfly like doesn't it?  It's pretty whatever it is.
This makes me happy! Looks like I will get some Moon flowers soon!  Next year I need to get started a little earlier on this tender perennial. I think this was one of the last things I planted in June!  I have this growing up the pole that the hummingbird feeder is on.

I've been watching this black swallowtail cat on my rue the past couple days. I couldnt' resist getting near him to make him stick out his osmetrium (little orange 'horns')  He's feisty, and staying in a well hidden spot on the plant, so I've left him there.  I think he might make it on his own.
Penstemon x mexicali 'Red Rocks' that I planted in the butterfly/hummingbird garden. It's surviving, but hopefully it will do better next year. It is a native plant too.
Again, no idea what it is. I've looked this up before and have since forgotten what moth this will be :D  I first found one on the bee balm, this was on my swamp milkweed.  along with thousands of yellow aphids...

Earlier today I happened to look out my door and spotted a snake slithering across the concrete patio. Grabbed my camera but he disappeared, I thought along the hosta. I couldn't find him, but disturbed all the plants along there and within a minute or two out he came. He was going along quietly then stopped and turned his head towards me. Snakes can really move fast!  At first I thought it might be a ribbon snake but once I saw the photos realized it was merely one of the plentiful eastern garter snakes. But that's OK.  There's plenty of food around for him. Though it would be nice if he only ate what I wanted him too.  Slugs would be among my first choice!  Probably the change in weather brought him out!

full body shot
Within moments he was across the yard and rocks, went across the stream and disappeared among rocks on the other side. Can you see him among all the rocks before he scooted across the stream?

He better watch out, this morning I saw a HUGE  hawk (I'm pretty sure it was a Northern Harrier due to it's size and lack of red tail feathers) glide right over my car as I was parking at home.  I grabbed the camera hoping for a shot at him, since he was coming in low as though he was going to land.  But wouldn't you know my neighbor across the stream was out and being very noisy. But good to know the hawks are around. I've not seen one in my yard for months now and that's very unusual.

 Speaking of my stream, here's a fish I've not seen in it before.  Normally, because it was a slow moving stream, and would be all but dry after so many rainless days, I had mostly minnows and creek chub. (I see the adults coming in May to lay their eggs) Now I'm seeing some unusual activity. This may be some sort of sunfish or pan fish?  I utilized PA's websites for identification but didn't find an exact match.  But there's so much variety in the sun/pan fish that it's the most likely answer.
This is my biggest Black Swallowtail caterpillar.  It was very windy today and it looks like he was saying a lil prayer - that he wouldn't get blown away.
I watched this smaller one for a long time. He was the brave one today and went to the highest point for some food. While everyone else was still he was on the move. He kept looking down as if to acknowledge the great and dangerous height he climbed. Or maybe he was annoyed that I kept taking his photo?!

1 comment:

  1. I think the guy hanging out by your door is a form of crane fly. As for the unidentified caterpillar on your milkweed, that's a striped garden caterpillar. I found one recently too on milkweed that I brought in for my monarchs. I found a great site for identifying caterpillars at the following link:
    I've been using it a lot lately and I've found everything I've been looking for so far.
