Monday, November 1, 2010

have to get through a rant first...

We've had amazingly mild weather until recently. I didn't take full advantage of it though. I've been in a state of inertia after finding out that the park where I reside is up for sale.  I had plans to put a new place in here next year and was really looking forward to it. It was fun to look at all the possibilities available to me.  Now it's not feasible.  A nearby, larger park is for sale, or sold (can't get clear answers on that, heard it was sold for $2mil)  A few months ago it was on the news that residents got eviction notices and were to be out by mid-November, which is fast approaching. At that time they said the park was for sale and the owner felt it would sell better with all the homes removed.  Interestingly, the park owners actually owned a few of the homes and would sell and rent them to people...right up to the time they sent out the notices. I've heard rumors from two sources that say a bank and a restaurant are to be built on the site.

ANY how, my point is, it makes me nervous.  There's no way to know if this will remain a park or not.  There are limitations to what can be done with the property since it's in a flood zone and across from the airport.
But I see they are dumping a lot of dirt on a property across the road to put it out of the flood plain, to put in a car dealer lot. UGH! 

And all the building that goes on with the other park and the car lot across the street, will impact us either way because of drainage.

Some feel the odds of this remaining a park are better then 50%, and that it won't sell quickly because of the price. 

I understand that this is an investment, and it's all about the $$. But when I ask the landlord straight out about the property as far as placing a new home on it and he says to go for just seems, wrong.  I know he doesn't have to tell us anything.  But to put people in such a position just seems mean.

On the other hand I'm suddenly glad that I am so indecisive and a procrastinator.

I'm not too worried about my's old, paid for. Not really worth anything. If I was forced to move, I'd be OK, where as many of my neighbors will have greater difficulties. 

My issue is the yard :D  And the fact there's no where else I could move (that I could also afford) that would have a stream on the property as well as the feeling of privacy I have facing a wooded area. Add to it everything I've been doing to the yard. Trying to go more native, spending a lot on plants, etc. If this went to something more commercial, you know they'd cut everything down, right to my 3 paw paw trees!   That is the worst.  Losing the paw paws. And losing them after having attracted Zebra Swallowtails.

It's all very frustrating just not knowing what will happen.  I had the near future all figured out.   So in the meantime I do have work I'll have to get done on this old place, since buying new would be too risky.  It's old, drafty, etc.  My ex hubby even gave me some good advice on how to go about it.  It at least gives me some things to think about, keep my mind occupied.

Now for my yard.  As always I've had a lot of concern for all the erosion, and the issues contributing to it.  My ex-husband also gave me the name of a woman that works for the county conservation office. He had a bit of a run in with her over some property he's building on, when there was a question about wetlands there.  But at least it showed she was diligent in her job and may finally be the right person to talk to about the issues here.

I called the office this morning, and though she wasn't in, I was told that she would probably want to come up and assess the problem herself.  Very cool.  She's to call back this afternoon.

maybe I'll get motivated once again. 

I did have a nice weekend, complete with a nice fire in the pit with some friends from the firehouse.  Looks like more of the same this coming weekend, as work has informed me I will be off this weekend.  Bummed about the loss of OT, but....a yard party will be more fun.  Planning another one later in November.
Guess I better soon shop for some gloves!   There will be a snow party this winter too. LOL   Looks like I'll be making some chili for the one on the 20th, since it may be even chillier by then.   This Saturdays high is to be 44F.  Though now we might get some showers, instead of the sun they promised yesterday.

Despite last weeks mild sunny weather, the groundhogs seem to have already gone into hibernation! I haven't seen any of them for a week or better and the opening to the burrow under the shed is filled with fall leaves now!  I will miss Little Dude!! The chipmunk is still making daily rounds. Seems like another one has opted to winter here, and was digging a hole under the Cleveland pear tree.

While my guests were here Saturday we watched one confused chipmunk run across a downed tree branch, and back...numerous times. Here he comes...there he he comes! oops there he goes.  I think the sight of a group of people in the yard really threw him for a loop.  He eventually came over and used the weeds for protection till he got where he needed to go.
Apparently the chipmunk coffers are getting filled up, as he's closed off one hole that leads under the patio and opened up two more.

Here he is leaping out of the ground.

The ducks were a bit reticent about coming up to the yard, but hungry won out and they finally made it up to eat with everyone looking on. 

Speaking of the ducks, about 3 dozen had been a consistent number for them until Sunday morning when I counted no less then 50 of them.  A high number this early. I counted 21 females as they were scurrying about, pushing each other around to get the feed.   The ducks have seemed a little confused as we'd moved some rock around to lessen the impact on the bank. They don't seem to have settled what area of the yards here to nap during the day, and it's changing daily. I guess I interrupted their routine.

I'm still waiting for the dark eyed junco's and pine siskins to return. They are being spotted throughout the state the past few days. I'm hoping to get more nuthatches this year instead of the occasional visitor, along with more then one white throated sparrow.  I need to become more diligent in watching the birds this winter.

The cardinals are now in their full red color, while the goldfinch has toned down their colors for the winter.

I again got a look at a belted kingfisher! Too fleeting for a photo, since the camera was not in hand.  Each time I've seen it, it's been first thing in the morning when I get home.  He's noisy, but shy.  He's probably on his way to the southeast part of the state, or further south, for the winter.

There's been a red tail hawk hanging around here on the colder days. I've seen him a few times, but more often I hear the panic of the birds as it swoops down. As it gets colder I'll see him more I'm sure. The only shots I've gotten of him lately are distant, as he flies off if he sees me. I'm wondering if the red tail is the reason why I haven't seen the cooper's hawk lately, since he was becoming a regular visitor.

It always seems odd to me, when I see a mourning dove in a tree.  I'm used to seeing them on the ground to begin with, but their bulky shape and movement doesn't lend any grace to them landing and perching in a tree.

Some random recent duck photos

Seeing him reminds me that white duck hasn't returned yet.

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