Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the things you miss...

Did you ever take a photo of something, only to discover something else in the photo that you totally missed??

Yesterday was not a good photo taking day for some reason. Nothing turned out very well.
First there was what I thought was the Carolina wren that comes here often, bathing in a manner I'd NEVER seen before. The photos, being rather crappy, only made myself doubt it was a wren at all, but not being able to positively identify it.  Sister suggested a nuthatch...though a little early in the year. I look at it and think...hmm...maybe! Sent them off to her to see what she thinks.  Just talked to her and she says...aww how cute.  And no clue what it is.
So the odd behavior was in the bathing.  It would hang upside down off a branch, then dive into the water and zoom back up to the branch. It did this several times. (bathing or fishing?)  So bad photo, plus wet bird makes it trickier! LOL  Then as I'm looking at the photos, I could really kick myself for not paying more attention.  As I'm trying to photo this bird diving in the water I totally miss the snapping turtle that shows. Looks like a small snapping turtle. I'm thinking it might be one from the bank...which would mean I missed them coming out!

OK first the poor quality photos. Just in case someone has any ideas what this might be.  It doesn't have the slight bend of the wrens beak, and the stripe is wrong.

Two decent photos I got. One of one of the Northern Cardinal's 'kids'

And these 3 black swallowtail caterpillars.  Having a parade??

Speaking of the has decided...very inconveniently to pupate on the netting covering their abode. I didnt' think this one was ready. The coloring is right, but he's rather small.  One other one has been seeking the PERFECT SPOT to made his chrysalis for HOURS now.  While the biggest one picked a spot with very little fanfare or wasted time.  Luckily for the youngsters I'd added a  lot of fresh food for them this morning, so I don't have to worry about moving the netting before this thing is done with his chrysalis. 
It's very windy today. I was worried about the netting blowing around so much with him getting ready to build his chrysalis, so I brought the whole setup indoors.

The wind caused a tragedy at Sisters.  Her outside table was blown over. And this is a very sturdy table. But she has her butterfly house on it, and there went all those beautiful Monarch chrysalis and 2 black swallowtail chrysalis, smashed some, cracked some, and some she hasn't found yet. Smashed some cats too. :( Wicked wind!

Now for the exciting thing that happened .... again....yesterday.  Are you ready for this?  I'm almost as excited as I was the first time it happened.  But I would have been much more excited if I could have gotten a decent photo. It moves so fast and doesn't stay in anyone place for long. 

            I had another zebra swallowtail butterfly come to the yard!

If you look carefully in the circle (got to full size the photo!) you can see part of it's wings and a bit of red spot on the center bottom.

Here is a photo from earlier this summer of a black capped chickadee. I've been trying recently to get a photo of him, but have failed.  Reminds me all the more that no matter what I must get the new camera this year. I can barely stand all the failure out doors with my old, obsolete, Kodak point and shoot!

I digress. Often!  :D  But I love watching the little chickadee as he flies in among the goldfinches for his share of the food.  He sits up in the tree and waits till he sees an opening and goes for it.

The Red Admiral is still visiting.  In fact yesterday he spent most of the day in the yard. After first warming up early in the day on the side of my house.

There was not much to report from the yard today, as I had a work training. (CPR/first aid) then a call at the fire station.   Next week will be less yard time, as I have a 3 day, all day, training at work.  ugh   I'd rather be out in my yard!

And still no rain.  We are currently under fire weather warnings in our area, until 7pm  Due to the winds, continuing dry conditions and an increasingly dry air mass that will lower humidity below 30%.  I've heard several calls to mulch fires already.

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